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LEGO Serious Play®: Transforming meetings and workshops with a fun and engaging methodology

LEGO Serious Play is a unique and engaging methodology that is transforming meetings and workshops in the business world. This powerful tool, developed by the LEGO Group, involves giving participants a set of LEGO bricks and asking them to build models that represent their ideas or solutions to a specific problem. These models are then used as a starting point for discussions and collaborative problem-solving.

The use of LEGO bricks in this way stimulates creativity and encourages team members to think outside the box. It also provides a tangible, hands-on way for employees to engage with their ideas, which can help to break down barriers and foster open communication. Additionally, building with LEGO bricks allows team members to experiment with different solutions without the fear of failure, which can encourage a culture of innovation and creativity within the team.

One of the benefits of LEGO Serious Play is that it transforms meetings and workshops from dull and unproductive events into fun and engaging experiences. Providing a hands-on, playful approach to problem-solving can help to break up the monotony of traditional meetings and keep participants engaged and motivated.

Another key advantage of LEGO Serious Play is that it is highly inclusive and can be used by people of all ages and backgrounds. This makes it an excellent option for conferences and off-site meetings where teams may have diverse members. It allows everyone to contribute and have their voices heard, which can help to build stronger relationships and foster collaboration among team members.

In addition, LEGO Serious Play is a versatile methodology that can be used in many different types of meetings and workshops. For example, it can be used in brainstorming sessions to generate new ideas, in strategy meetings to develop plans, or in training sessions to teach new skills.

Overall, LEGO Serious Play is a fun and engaging methodology that is transforming meetings and workshops in the business world. Providing a hands-on, inclusive approach to problem-solving can help teams to foster collaboration and innovation and drive better business outcomes.

Wowza is certified to facilitate LEGO Serius Play, and we can design custom workshops to help you improve the success of your meetings.

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